Monday, October 03, 2005

Scotland2005: In Edinburgh Day 3.5

Leaving the Internet cafe tonite, we needed to find dinner. We were having a tough time agreeing on a place, so we decided to pull a "Chris"-- lovingly named after our dear friend Chris Hagstrom. Chris is best known for asking "what are you known for?" whenever we go to a new restaurant.

Since we weren't actually AT a restaurant we had to ask someone else -- so we asked the Internet cafe hostess. She recommended a vegitarian place down the street (she looked like a veggie too -- in that sort of "healthy -- but not quite" way, but that's another story). She actually gave us quite detailed instructions on how to get there out the door we went, and promptly turned to each other and said "yeah right".

With my aching feet making walking painful, we decided to ask a cabdriver. So we hailed a passing cab, and got in, and asked the driver "where can we go for a great Scottish Dinner?" figuring he'd know. In a very thick brouge he said, "Wull, th' best place 'ta fin th' Haggis is ayt...". As Scottish as we like to think we are, our Scottish-ness STOPS dead at Haggis, and we told the driver, a something a little less exotic if he pleased -- where does he like to take his wife? He said, "wull I fancy Garfunkel's meself"... so around the block we went to the Scottish "Denny's" for dinner..topped off with that damn Waffle Toffee Sundae...

Good night from the Hotel Lobby Internet access point at £3 per 10 minutes..

Gary and Tony


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